Speaker: Murat Uyar
Title: Classification of Preperiodic Points of Cubic PCF Polynomials
Date/Time: 28 April 2021 / 13:40 - 14:30
Zoom: Meeting ID: https://sabanciuniv.zoom.us/j/91735827843?pwd=QlBwc3dUSzlDcHl5OXZUNCs3MWlWZz09
Passcode:- algebra
Abstract: In arithmetic dynamics, one of the main conjectures is the uniform boundedness of preperiodic points of rational maps of a given degree over a number field. In this talk, we first show how to classify cubic post-critically finite polynomials defined over Q up to linear conjugacy. Using certain algorithms that were introduced by Silverman and Hutz, we will show that the number of preperiodic points of a cubic post-critically finite polynomial defined over
Q cannot exceed 6.
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