Speaker: Amine Zemirni
Title: Some properties of solutions of ODEs in a complex domain
Date/Time: 18 May 2021 / 17:00 - 18:00
Zoom: Meeting ID:https://sabanciuniv.zoom.us/j/98687762723?pwd=SjBFYjRQdE5xVTFLVGZCeENBTVgxQT09
Abstract: In this talk, I will give an overview of Nevanlinna theory, which is the primary tool in our research area to study ordinary differential equations in a complex domain. After that, I will shed light on some results concerning complex differential equations, where the properties of solutions are determined in terms of Nevanlinna's characteristic functions, and I will discuss some related questions. Overall, the talk structure will be divided into three parts: The first part concerns Nevanlinna theory, the second part is about linear differential equations with coefficients being entire functions or analytic in the unit disc, and finally, the third part is devoted to discussing nonlinear differential equations.
Bio: Amine Zemirni is currently working as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Eastern Finland. He worked as an early-stage researcher for three years at the same university, where he wrote six papers in collaboration with international authors. He ended up getting a PhD in November 2020 in the field of Nevanlinna theory and complex differential equations.