





  • Makaleler
    Alkan, Sezel and Anbar Meidl, Nurdagül and Kalaycı, Tekgül and Meidl, Wilfried (2025) "Bent partition, vectorial dual-bent function and LP-packing constructions", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.71, No.1, 752-767 (SCI)
    Ezerman, Martianus Frederic and Grass, Markus and Ling, San and Özbudak, Ferruh and Ozkaya, Buket (2025) "Characterization of nearly self-orthogonal Quasi-twisted codes and related quantum codes", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.71, No.1, 499-517 (SCI)
    Duruk Mutlubaş, Nilay and Ayhan, Nesibe (2024) "The local well-posedness for the dispersion generalized Camassa-Holm equation". Published Online First https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00036811.2024.2426101
    Kırcalı, Mustafa and Özbudak, Ferruh (2024) "New q-ary quantum MDS codes of length strictly larger than q+1", Quantum Information Processing, Vol.23, No.12 (SCI)
    Duruk Mutlubaş, Nilay and Freire, Igor Leite (2024) "Existence and uniqueness of periodic pseudospherical surfaces emanating from Cauchy problems", Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Vol.480, No.2299 (SCI)
    Düzgün, Baran and Arikan, Talha and Otal, Kamil and Özbudak, Ferruh (2024) "Asymptotically optimal [2k+1,k,k]q-almost affinely disjoint subspaces", Discrete Mathematics, Vol.347, No.10 (SCI)
    Tuğcuoğlu Musapaşaoğlu, Aslı and Nasernejad, Mehrdad and Asloob Topaçoğlu, Ayesha (2024) "The edge ideals of t‐spread d-partite hypergraphs", Collectanea Mathematica, Vol.75, No.3, 735-751 (SCI)
    Bayraktar, Turgay and Karaca, Emel (2024) "An exponential rarefaction result for sub-Gaussian real algebraic maximal curves", Comptes Rendus Mathematique, Vol.362, 779-788 (SCI)
    Bayraktar, Turgay and Bloom, Thomas and Levenberg, Norman (2024) "Random polynomials in several complex variables", Journal d'Analyse Mathematique, Vol.153, No.1, 219-245 (SCI)
    Erkip, Albert and Erman, Burak (2024) "Dynamically driven correlations in elastic net models reveal sequence of events and causality in proteins", Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics, Vol.92, No.9, 1113-1126 (SCI)
    Özbudak, Ferruh and Tutaş, Nesrin (2024) "Nonlinear complexity and weierstrass semigroup of two rational points on a Hermitian curve", Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, Vol.61, No.5, 1161-1173 (SCI)
    Sadek, Mohammad and Wafik, Mohamed and Yesin Elsheikh, Emine Tuğba (2024) "Arithmetic progressions in polynomial orbits", International Journal of Number Theory, Vol.20, No.8, 2009-2025 (SCI)
    Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan (2024) "Growth spaces on circular domains taking values in a banach lattice, embeddings and composition operators", Mathematics, Vol.12, No.16 (SCI)
    Shi, Minjia and Chu, Shixiao and Özbudak, Ferruh (2024) "Additive cyclic codes over Fq3". Published Online First https://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0219498825503396
    Özbudak, Ferruh and Özkaya, Buket (2024) "New distance bounds for quasi-cyclic codes". Published Online First https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10623-024-01464-0
    Alkan, Sezel and Anbar Meidl, Nurdagül and Kalaycı, Tekgül and Meidl, Wilfried (2024) "Bent partitions and LP-packings", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.70, No.7, 5365-5375 (SCI)
    Anbar Meidl, Nurdagül and Kudin, Sadmir and Meidl, Wilfried and Pasalic, Enes and Polujan, Alexandr (2024) "Vectorial negabent concepts: similarities, differences, and generalizations". Published Online First https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10623-024-01454-2
    Herzog, Jürgen and Hibi, Takayuki and Moradi, Somayeh and Asloob Topaçoğlu, Ayesha (2024) "The divisor class group of a discrete polymatroid", Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A, Vol.205 (SCI)
    Luo, Gaojun and Ezerman, Martianus Frederic and Güneri, Cem and Ling, San and Özbudak, Ferruh (2024) "Griesmer bound and constructions of linear codes in b-symbol metric". Published Online First https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TIT.2024.3423702
    Potapov, Vladimir N. and Özbudak, Ferruh (2024) "Asymptotic bounds on the numbers of certain bent functions". Published Online First https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12095-024-00726-x
    Grassl, Markus and Özbudak, Ferruh and Özkaya, Buket and Temür, Burcu Gülmez (2024) "Complete characterization of a class of permutation trinomials in characteristic five", Cryptography and Communications, Vol.16, No.4, 825-841 (SCI)
    Nasernejad, Mehrdad and Asloob Topaçoğlu, Ayesha (2024) "Algebraic implications of neighborhood hypergraphs and their transversal hypergraphs", Communications in Algebra, Vol.52, No.6, 2328-2345 (SCI)
    Kaytancı, Kübra and Özbudak, Ferruh (2024) "The c-differential uniformity of the perturbed inverse function via a trace function Tr(x2x+1)", Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, Vol.88, No.2, 384-395 (SCI)
    Dabrowski, Andrzej and Sadek, Mohammad (2024) "Genus 2 curves with bad reduction at one odd prime", Nagoya Mathematical Journal, Vol.254, 498-512 (SCI)
    Shi, Minjia and Krotov, Denis S. and Özbudak, Ferruh (2024) "Constructing MRD codes by switching", Journal of Combinatorial Designs, Vol.32, No.5, 219-237 (SCI)
    Özbudak, Ferruh and Özkaya, Buket (2024) "Quasi-twisted codes as contractions of quasi-cyclic codes", Advances in Mathematics of Communications, Vol.18, No.2, 394-409 (SCI)
    Güneri, Cem and Özbudak, Ferruh and Sayıcı, Selcen (2024) "On subfield subcodes obtained from restricted evaluation codes", Designs, Codes, and Cryptography, Vol.92, No.3, 667-680 (SCI)
    Bayraktar, Turgay and Özgür, Ali Ulaş (2024) "Expected multivolumes of random amoebas", Journal of Complexity, Vol.80 (SCI)
    Sadek, Mohammad and Yesin Elsheikh, Emine Tuğba (2024) "A dynamical analogue of a question of fermat", Mathematica Scandinavica, Vol.130, No.1, 5-20 (SCI)
    Anbar Meidl, Nurdagül and Kalaycı, Tekgül and Meidl, Wilfried (2024) "Amorphic association schemes from bent partitions", Discrete Mathematics, Vol.347, No.1 (SCI)
    Anbar Meidl, Nurdagül and Kalaycı, Tekgül and Yurdakul, Nihal (2024) "On the classification of non-exceptional APN functions". Published Online First https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00200-023-00642-2
    Tekin, Eda and Gnilke, Oliver Wilhelm and Özbudak, Ferruh and Blümich, Bernhard and Greferath, Marcus (2024) "Almost perfect autocorrelation sequences with small number of pauses for applications in magnetic resonance", Cryptography and Communications, Vol.16, No.1, 109-127 (SCI)
  • Konferans Bildirileri
    Can, Mahir Bilen and Özbudak, Ferruh, "Bounding the sum of µ-invariants on pair symbol weights over some irreducible codes", Sepulchre, R. and Smith, M. C. (eds.), 26th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, MTNS 2024, Elsevier, October 2024, 298-303