Title: Classifying cubic surfaces over small finite fields
Speaker: Anton Betten
Date/Time: November. 02, 2017 Thursday @ 11:00
Place: Sabanci University, FENS L061
Abstract: This talk will outline some recent results regarding the classification of cubic surfaces with 27 lines over small finite fields by computer. We will discuss several approaches. One approach is associated with the classical theory of Schlaefli regarding a double six of lines in projective three-space. Another approach is associated with the blow-up of six general points in a plane. After this, we will present a prolific family of cubic surfaces which exist for all fields of odd order. The generic members of this family are invariant under a symmetric group of degree four semidirect product the automorphism group of the field. The family includes the Clebsch and the Fermat surfaces.
Some more details will be presented in an independent talk given by Fatma Karaoglu.