Seminar: Success by Failing

Seminar: Success by Failing

Speaker: Selim Balcısoy

Title: Success by Failing

Date/Time: April 3, 2019  /  13.40-14.30

Place: FENS G035

Abstract:  The academic life is fiercely competitive and based on 'publish or perish / acceptance and rejection' principles. This competitive work environment may lead to long working hours with minimum downtime and eventually to burnout. On the other hand top academic jobs are scarce and mostly temporary leading to uncertainty and problematic life decisions. When the stress gets too high, several mental problems may occur. In this seminar I will talk about a Nature paper series titled 'Science careers and mental health' and personal reflections on how to survive under high academic pressure and have a balanced social life.   


BIO: After living in US (Nokia Research) and Switzerland (ETH, EPFL) over 14 years Dr. Balcisoy joined Sabanci University as Faculty Member in 2004 and founded one of the first visual business analysis companies, VisioThink in 2006. In 2015 he cofounded a research lab (BAVLAB) on big data analytics together with MIT Media Lab. His main interests are computer graphics, data science and visual analytics. Dr. Balcisoy co-authored over 70 publications at refereed international journals and conferences, and has been granted with one U.S. patent.  


Contact:  Selim Balcısoy